Robert's blog
Nothing new in bullying
Like many parents in Slovakia, I have recently received a notice from our school that they are updating the school rules according to the new directive 1/2025 on bullying published by Slovak Ministry of Education. The changes are again only formal and insignificant, but I want to take this opportunity to write about why this doesn't work. While some details in this article are specific to Slovakia, most of the content is applicable everywhere in the world, because education systems are surprisingly similar to each other.
Redneck tavern is no alternative to the ivory tower
Not just in Slovakia, politicians have been telling us for some time that the ivory tower, meaning the educated liberal urban elite, cannot run the state, because it is a minority detached from everyday reality. In Slovak, the ivory tower is called "bratislavská kaviareň", literally "Bratislava café", named after the capital. Until recently, though, this was mostly just grumbling and the ivory tower quietly continued to rule. Since the last Slovak elections however, we’ve had the opportunity to see what happens when the ivory tower is replaced by a group of people so stupid, primitive, and unscrupulous that I will call them the redneck tavern in this article.
LLMs are pattern matchers
Large Language Models (LLMs) are excellent pattern matchers. I don't mean this as a dismissive reductionist "LLMs are just X" argument. I believe that seeing LLMs as pattern matchers helps us understand how they work and how model size and prompt content influence performance.
Subdomains on localhost
Web development and local web apps typically require high port numbers like :8080, which can be hard to remember and prone to conflicts. Let's explore a better approach using localhost subdomains instead of port numbers.
Using LLMs to translate to Slovak
I have previously recommended specialized translation services for English-Slovak translation. LLMs like ChatGPT and Claude have however improved substantially in the meantime. They are now clearly superior to specialized translation services.
How to be an effective propagandist
So many propagandists are satisfied with measurable influence on perceptions and decisions, but that’s just a consolation prize for when you cannot achieve your main objective, which is to build a religious cult.
What’s wrong with SpiderOak backup
In my last investigation of backup options for Linux, I had to conclude that SpiderOak One Backup is still the best option. I no longer hold that opinion. Before I select an alternative, I want to write down the most visible issues.
Real-time priority for Ollama
Setting up Ollama on Linux is straightforward if you don't need GPU acceleration, but the underlying llama.cpp engine is very sensitive to competition from background processes, running as much as 2x slower. I run CPU-hogging background processes all the time, so I invested the necessary effort into testing Ollama with real-time priority. This will use Podman here instead of Docker, because I am on Fedora.
Running Ollama on AMD iGPU
Running Ollama on CPU cores is the trouble-free solution, but all CPU-only computers also have an iGPU, which happens to be faster than all CPU cores combined despite its tiny size and low power consumption. With some tinkering and a bit of luck, you can employ the iGPU to improve performance. Here's my experience getting Ollama to run on AMD Ryzen 5600G (RX Vega 7, GCN5.0) under Linux and inside a Podman container.
No good guys in the AI copyright game
Can AI developers scrape content for free to train their (often commercial) AI models? This question is not really about justice. It's about money and power. Whether it's AI companies, publishers, or authors, all of them are just stealing from others in one way or another.
Hallucinations are a misunderstanding
What's commonly referred to as "hallucinations" in generative machine learning models, particularly language models, is actually a misunderstanding of how these models work. When the model hallucinates, it's trying to tell you that "there's supposed to be something here, but I am not quite sure what, so let's put an example here to illustrate what I mean." The model is not lying nor is it broken. It's just brainstorming ideas.
Smartphone bans are based on pseudoscience
My home country, Slovakia, recently joined the growing list of countries banning smartphones in schools. There are many reasons to dislike this policy, but I would like to focus on the central argument supporting the ban. Proponents of the ban claim that research has shown that smartphones damage student performance. As I argue below, this is pseudoscience and no research really shows that smartphones as such are detrimental to education.
EU AI Act analysis
EU Artificial Intelligence Act has just been approved (press release, full text, votes, Wikipedia). This was the last vote, in which things could have been changed. Now it's only a matter of technical checks (linguistic and legal) and a few years of ramping up its effects. It can potentially kill my business, so I did a more thorough reading of the law instead of relying on the limited and somewhat misleading press release and news articles. The law is 450 pages long, so you will perhaps appreciate my summary.
Where are all the specialized LLMs?
Specialized language models can outperform generalist models in their specialized domain while costing a fraction to train and use. Due to the quadratic cost of training, you can train a hundred 7B models for the cost of a single 70B model. It is then quite a surprise that open 70B models are accompanied by only one lonely general-purpose 7B variant. Why wouldn't developers of these models invest even a small fraction of their huge compute budget to train several 7B models that would be highly competitive in their domain of specialization?
How to molest children properly
Provocative title notwithstanding, this is a serious blog post. When I was a little boy, I had a number of encounters with older girls and women, plus some with same-age girls who were ahead of me in development. Some of these experiences were enjoyable and I have fond memories of them to this day. Some were confusing or embarrasing. And yet others were traumatic and gave me nightmares. If you are into a young boy, you are playing with fire, because it is very hard to go about it in a way that guarantees positive outcome for the boy. Here I want to give you some guidance and explain why it might be worth the risk.
The West is like the Titanic
And Russia is like the iceberg cutting through it. Three lowest decks are already flooding: Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia. Pressure is currently highest in Ukraine, but there's no reason for the water to stop there. Some decks, especially those to be flooded next, are helping a lot, some help a little, and some see this as somebody else's problem. US is the highest first-class deck where people refuse to believe the water could ever rise all the way to the top.
Local LLMs on Linux with Ollama
I finally got around to setting up local LLM, almost a year after I declared that AGI is here. I have low-cost hardware and I didn't want to tinker too much, so after messing around for a while, I settled on CPU-only Ollama and Open WebUI, both of which can be installed easily and securely in a container. Ollama has a big model library while Open WebUI is rich in convenient features. Ollama is built on top of the highly optimized llama.cpp.
AI economics brief
This is a very brief summary of economic and social implications of continued development of artificial general intelligence. Contrary to most other articles on this topic, I am focusing on the big picture, long-term outcomes, game rules, and endgame, all in as few words as possible.
Software bugs are eating the world
Some years ago, I wrote a post about software getting slower a slower. Now I look at those years with nostalgia, the good old times when performance was the most obvious problem. Performance only got worse over time of course, but the spotlight was taken by something much worse: bugs. Bugs everywhere.
Low-cost parallelization techniques
Sure, code should be efficient, but sometimes you just have to run a computation that is inherently heavy. You have already cut most of the fat and micro-optimizing the rest just isn't cost-effective or even possible. Processor clock is limited, so the only way to execute compute-bound operation quickly is to let it run in parallel. Parallelization can be a dangerous and expensive pet to keep though, but we don't want to just accept that and let it explode complexity of all software or restrict it to a tiny fraction of code and let the rest rot. That leads us to search for safe, cost-effective, and widely applicable parallelization methods.
SpiderOak is still the only reasonable Linux backup
When it comes to backup and sync, there are many options on the market. Except if you need it to work on Linux. Maybe it's because there are so few of us (millions is apparently too little these days). Or maybe it's that we, Linux users, are demanding customers and it's a PITA to serve us. In any case, backup and sync options on Linux are severely limited.
How I failed to invent ChatGPT
Believe it or not, I was on the right track 15 years ago. By that time, I already gained several fundamental insights that explain performance of modern language models. I also got a lot of things wrong and I was working within too narrow hardware constraints, so I inevitably failed. Given that even today many people, including people working on language models, fail to understand what the models are about and why they work, I think it would be a good idea to reevaluate my experience with the benefit of hindsight.
How to split off a subproject from Git repository
There are many guides on the Internet describing how to split off a subproject, but too many of them assume the subproject is already cleanly isolated in a subdirectory and it has always been so. Many split-offs I do however require messy surgery to separate the subproject. I need a quick, general, gotcha-free, and history-preserving procedure for such messy split-offs.
Language models are the ultimate scripting engine
Some time ago, I blogged that scripting is a programming paradigm, a quick-and-dirty complement to software engineering rather than just a set of programming language features. As it turns out, instructing language models like ChatGPT has all the characteristics of scripting. Language models aren't just usable as a scripting environment. They outperform traditional programming languages by a wide margin. They are so good I expect language models to satisfy more than 90% of use cases for scripting in the future among programmers and to make scripting widely accessible to non-programmers.
Why we need uncensored language models
ChatGPT and other publicly accessible language models are heavily censored. Not only that, there is a push for AI regulation that could make this censorship mandatory and that would also hardcode other design choices in the law. Here I want to explain why this is short-sighted and possibly dangerous and present a superior alternative that will keep the wolf full and the sheep whole.
The digital exception to human rights
There's an unwelcome trend to use transition to digital as an opportunity to cut down on citizens' rights. Sometimes the law explicitly discriminates between online and offline rights. Other times it is done covertly by secret services. Internet monopolies are eager to help when it suits their business interests or when it aligns with views of their owners. Invincible internet mobs and trolls then cover whatever governments and corporations missed.
Brains vs. computers: Efficiency comparison
The bitter lesson of AI implies that progress in artificial intelligence can be almost entirely attributed to increases in compute power. In light of this observation, it would be interesting to do an up-to-date comparison of raw compute power of human brain and commercially available computers.
What AI safety is really about
There is something off about the recent wave of AI ethics, AI safety, and AI regulation initiatives. Presented AI risks seem to be blown out of proportion. There's widespread suspicion that people behind the initiatives are not being honest about their motives and that they are driving moral panic in pursuit of hidden agendas. Here I want to summarize the situation and offer my interpretation.
Don't comment under popular articles
Commenting under most articles and blog posts is useful to the author as well as the audience. It allows for corrections, additions, and other feedback. Utility of comments however dramatically diminishes under popular articles in media and on social networks that attract dozens or hundreds of comments.
How to merge Git repositories
In Git, you usually merge pull requests consisting of a few commits worth of changes. Sometimes however you need to merge two separate repositories with unrelated histories. This usually happens when an experimental component is first developed in a separate repository and later promoted to core component developed in-tree. Such merges are a bit more complicated than the usual pull request merges.
Syntax highlighting libraries for Java
Syntax highlighting is usually done at UI level, because highlighter output must match capabilities of the media. There is however a need for reusable highlighters that are not tied to any UI platform or that at least produce output that can be filtered to remove anything platform-specific. Here I am looking for such reusable highlighters that can be invoked from Java.
Cross-language integration in Java
Java is one of the most popular languages, but it is eclipsed by JavaScript and Python. This has the unfortunate effect that many useful opensource libraries are not available for Java even though similar libraries are well supported in JavaScript or Python. This leaves Java developers with the unenviable task of integrating non-Java libraries into Java apps.
Free automated translators for Slovak
This article is somewhat applicable to other languages, but I can only check quality of Slovak translations and that's what I will focus on. While translation from Slovak to English works almost perfectly, translation in the opposite direction, from English to Slovak, is needed more often and automated translators are far from perfect in that regard. You have to check their output and correct any errors in it. Individual translators differ mainly in how many mistakes they make. And no, Google Translate is not the best.
English is the only global language
The world needs one common language. There used to be several candidates for this role, so one would speak one or two local native languages and then several so-called "foreign languages" learned at school. This multi-lingual state of the world was inefficient and it was a matter of time before one of the competing languages dominates. English essentially won this competition. There are no longer any relevant foreign languages. There is only one global language and that language is English.
How to translate English terminology into Slovak
Professional terminology is a special problem when it comes to translations. Automated translators usually struggle with it. Terms commonly used in English often don't have established equivalents in Slovak. How do you then translate texts that use such terms?
Git repository granularity
How big should a Git repository be? Repository size may seem like a matter of personal taste, but it actually has a huge impact on development and release workflow. I have a lot of repositories of varying size and purpose, so I researched this a bit and here's what I found.
Transparent reactive programming
Reactive programming is a confusing concept, because everyone understands it differently. It covers so wide range of programming paradigms and architectures it is almost meaningless. That's why it is important to clarify which reactive programming does one have in mind. Here I will try to clearly define one variety of reactive programming, which is usually called transparent reactive programming.
ChatGPT is a very old-fashioned programmer
ChatGPT is technically an artificial general intelligence and it does write code pretty well, but once you start challenging it, you notice certain limitations that seem to be characteristic of all language models, at least when they are applied to programming tasks naively and directly.
Keyboard for children
I recommend teaching touch typing instead of handwriting since first grade. Although first-graders can learn typing on standard keyboards, things get much easier with keyboard optimized for kids.
AI development for kids
Artificial intelligence, neural networks, and deep learning are topics surprisingly accessible to children. You don't have to cover the math and even if you do, it's not that complicated.
General AI is here
Something fundamental has changed in the field of artificial intelligence in the last few years. Recently developed large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are the first truly general-purpose AIs in history. This is a major milestone in AI development. Let's look at how it happened and what we can expect next.
Totalitarian islands in modern society
Today's society, even if we focus exclusively on democratic countries, is not as free as it is often presented. The absence of individual freedom is invisible to us only because we have become accustomed to modern forms of oppression. Just like people before '89 were used to the absence of freedom at the time.
Internet is effectively illegal for kids
I have been recently opening accounts for my son on several websites that are asking for age. I truthfully filled in his age — I think he was 10 at the time — assuming that would optimize the service for kids. To my dismay, several websites used this information to immediately, permanently, and irrevocably block my son's account.
The problem with transsexuality
Transsexuality is usually lumped together with homosexuality and intersex under umbrella LGBTI term, but transsexuality has a number of characteristics that make it very problematic.
Why start kids on Dvorak keyboard layout
I recommend getting kids to touch type as soon as they understand written language. Here I want to argue that it's best to get them started on Dvorak layout right away, skipping QWERTY entirely.
Teach touch typing instead of handwriting
Handwriting is not used anywhere in the world except in schools. Kids need to learn the much more practical touch typing as part of the overall transition to computer-based learning. Here's why.
Automating education
You might have heard that education is a good career, because it is hard to automate. That's not really true. While harder to automate than average, there are lots of opportunities to cut jobs across the education system. Recent developments in artificial intelligence mean that everything can be automated. It's just a matter of prioritizing what to automate first. The technology is already here. It's just that education, like every other government-funded service, is slow to adopt automation.
Patriarchy is a feminist conspiracy theory
Absent any written records or other detailed information about prehistory, historians use the concept of patriarchy (and its counterpart, matriarchy) to give us a glimpse of life in prehistory. But patriarchy as presented by feminists has nothing to do with actual history of mankind. In feminist context, patriarchy is a theory of worldwide conspiracy of men against women that spans millenia and cultures across the world.
The 5 levels of predatory organizations
Predatory organization seeks power over people instead of serving them. All predatory organizations are a threat, but not every predatory organization is equally dangerous. Size of the organization and intensity of predatory behavior matter of course, but I am more concerned with qualitative differences that determine ultimate threat the organization poses.
Predatory organizations
I have a peculiar way to classify organizations into those that serve people and those that seek power over people. I call the latter predatory organizations. Here I want to clarify the concept and explain how it is informative.
Template engine is a broken concept
Web apps of course have to somehow produce HTML from the underlying data. In this sense, template engines are immortal. There are however many ways to express this transformation of data into HTML and not all of them work so well.
Advice to Russian developers
If you are a Russian developer or other IT worker, this article is for you. You are probably weighing your options in the aftermath of Russian invasion in Ukraine. Of all the options you have, the worst one is to just sit there and do nothing. Let me show you my angle and persuade you to take action to help yourself and others.
Trillion dollar theft of public domain works
The so called "social media" empires have been built mostly by appropriating what should have been public domain works.
Computers are like children
Ever noticed how some people at the grocery store prefer self-service checkout even when staffed checkout is available? I am one of them. And I do the same in other contexts. I prefer machines over humans if I am given the choice.
Why DIY is almost always better
I am usually talking about programming, but today I am going to write about something as mundane as home repair & maintenance. I am writing this, because everyone on the Internet seems to shun DIY (do-it-yourself) while in my experience DIY is clearly superior.
The immortal tech-savvy authoritarian state
Democratic revolutions might well be a history by now. Technology lets authoritarian states detect and suppress dissent before it gains any traction. Automated secret service monitors every word and every real-world action of every citizen. Prototype devices detect lies during interrogation and even monitor thoughts.
Privacy-oriented software and services
Privacy exists on a spectrum. The list below will not ensure your privacy if a government or mafia is after you, but the recommendations below are cheap to implement and considerably reduce the amount of information leaked by default. As long as you don't become a high-value target, you will be reasonably safe.
Scripting as a programming paradigm
Scripting is not a language feature. It's a programming style that may have some language support. Scripting is the opposite of software engineering. Script is designed for a single task, often a single run. It is used by its own developer and frequently relies on his manual intervention.
Why is the world crazy?
This is not your typical curiosity list. This stuff is deeply disturbing. I put it up here as a stark reminder. I don't want to offend you, but I probably will. You have been warned. I don't want to scare you. I am just documenting reality. If you would rather learn what's new in the royal family, go read one of the billion or so infotainment blogs instead.
Productivity tips for software developers
Remember the saying about the chain being only as strong as its weakest link? When it comes to software projects, you can make the right choices most of the time, but the one thing you do wrong will still cost you an order of magnitude loss of efficiency. And people usually err more than once...
My development stack
Too much code to write and too little time to spare? I was facing the same problem in my work and hobby projects. Here I list tools and some practices I use to minimize development costs and maximize value of my work.
What's in a good software library?
Programming can be thought of as a form of communication with computers. There's even an AI philosophy that says that intelligent computers are merely ordinary computers that can be programmed quickly and easily. So what makes computers easy to program? Or conversely, what makes programmers productive?
I use ad-blockers. I rev them up to maximum settings. Normal people don't even blink about that. But people in the media would cry they have to earn money somehow. They support their families with the money. They even go as far as calling ad-blocking a form of piracy or stealing. Poor souls. They don't realize what force they are facing.
Who needs partition tolerance anyway?
Nobody takes the CAP theorem seriously anymore. Except a couple dozen NoSQL database vendors who justify their core architecture with it. The theory says that in choosing two out of three, RDBMS would traditionally sacrifice partition tolerance while NoSQL databases would sacrifice consistency in the name of availability and partition tolerance. I however suspect that partition tolerance in NoSQL is motivated by ease of implementation more than by consideration of application requirements.
How to kill high-frequency trading
I (used to) work at a company that makes low-latency software for small-time traders. The software limits losses these traders suffer from the big high-frequency traders and gives them an edge over traders without any low-latency information. While useful in the context of current market rules, I believe this whole low-latency trading is an inefficiency in the system with no real value, something to be optimized out of the system.
How to setup high availability configuration
High availability means that the service never goes down. But what should the application guard against? What threats is the application facing? Is high availability even possible?
ColoredImage in JungleControls
Designers like shades of gray as well as various highlight colors. But you have only one monochromatic icon, so what do you do? There's this nice OpacityMask trick in WPF that will do the job, but it's a lot of code. I wrapped it up for you in ColoredImage WPF control that is part of my opensource JungleControls library.
Anchor WPF Popup exactly where you need it with PrecisePopup
Popup in WPF of course allows you to select one of the predefined locations relative to placement target. The trouble begins when your placement target is close to the edge of the screen. If the popup doesn't fit in the screen when positioned as specified, Popup control will automatically move it to ensure the whole popup is visible. This is okay for usual rectangular popups, but it's a headache for authors of "eared" or balloon popups that have tabpage-like ear or pointed anchor. PrecisePopup, part of my opensource JungleControls library, is designed to handle these scenarios.
Server-side RIA framework
Web page reloads are so retro, so 90s. While acceptable for content, they are serious hindrance for apps. Especially when you are trying to migrate users from desktop apps or compete with new smartphone apps. RIA (rich internet application) comes to the rescue. Partially so. It can indeed deliver interactivity of native apps, but it comes at the cost of low productivity and all the javascript results in poor performance on low-end devices.
DataPipe: Pushing read-only dependency properties to view model
ActualWidth and ActualHeight are perhaps the most well-known read-only properties in WPF, but there are many other uses for read-only properties, mostly to expose various control states. XAML allows you to use read-only properties as a source for data-binding but not as a binding target. That makes sense until you consider OneWayToSource bindings, which are commonly used to push property value up into the view model. I will now present an elegant and general technique for getting these properties to view model with pure XAML code.
Collection properties for Assisticant.Facades
Assisticant.Facades provides for easy & clean authoring of WPF controls. Just declare your exposed properties, your computed properties, and the rest is straightforward XAML data binding. Unfortunately, Assisticant.Facades in its initial version only supported scalar dependency properties. I will now describe how to use updated Assisticant.Facades to expose collection-type dependency properties to control's view model.
No more DependencyProperty with AutoDependencyProperty.Fody
DependencyProperty declarations in WPF are ridiculously redundant and repetitive. Sure there are code snippets that will generate all the boilerplate, but the generated code is a mess to read. The only way to remove the boilerplate while keeping WPF happy is to generate the code during build and that's what my AutoDependencyProperty.Fody is for.
Easy WPF control authoring with Assisticant.Facades
Assisticant is a breath of fresh air for all WPF programmers. There's no longer any need for event handlers and other stone age WPF concepts. Everything is just data binding and commands. Until, well, the time comes to design some custom control for your project. Vanilla Assisticant won't help you here and you are back to the messy event handlers. That's why I created Assisticant.Facades, an extension to Assisticant that makes control authoring a breeze.
Expose WPF control to view model III
Although accessing WPF controls from view models is a big no-no in unit-tested view models, it's often a necessary evil when working with poorly designed controls. Moreover, in many WPF programming styles, exposing selected controls to view models is not only allowed but heartily encouraged, because view models are often a favorable replacement for messy code-behind logic. I will now show you how to expose WPF controls to view models cleanly and easily.
LazyControl in JungleControls
LazyControl from JungleControls library is a clever WPF control that only materializes its contents when it becomes visible to the user. It is useful in large, complex layouts where traditional virtualizing panels won't do.
DelayedContentControl in JungleControls
DelayedContentControl from opensource JungleControls library solves the problem of annoying data binding errors one gets when both Content and ContentTemplate are changed at the same time in ContentControl.
Expose WPF controls to view models II
There are some controls in WPF that aren't designed for proper binding from view models, e.g. PasswordBox or the 3rd party Awesomium WebControl These controls essentially blend data representation and UI in one class. That's bad design, of course, but these controls are a given and all we can do is to invent clever workarounds. There are many viable workarounds, which I will discuss briefly before presenting my favorite one liner.
SelectableTextBlock in JungleControls
SelectableTextBlock control in JungleControls library is like the standard TextBlock control except it allows text to be selected with the mouse.
StatCounter in JungleControls
StatCounter control from JungleControls library is a single header-content pair where the header is displayed above/below the content and the content itself is usually displayed with double font size. It is commonly used in dashboard views. StatCounter provides plenty of automated formatting rules for primitive data types while letting app developers to fully customize its looks.
PropertySheet in JungleControls
PropertySheet control from JungleControls library represents a list of name-value pairs arranged vertically with headers on the left and values (usually read-only) on the right. It's designed to replace Grid for simple property sheets.
JungleControls: Free WPF controls for your app
I just launched brand new opensource WPF controls library project JungleControls. I will publish all my general-purpose controls through the library and I encourage you to do the same (yes, contribs are welcome).
Dynamic vs. static languages
This question should have been answered a long time ago, but most of the high-ranking articles on the web are reiterating the same set of flawed arguments. I've actually read only one article about dynamic languages that actually got it right. I don't have the link anymore, so here's a short summary. It's thoroughly mixed with bits of other sane points I've gathered from numerous other sources.
Expose WPF controls to view model via attached property
WPF view models shouldn't access anything in the view, but there's one huge exception. Some complex controls combine conceptual view and conceptual model in a single physical class. Binding helps with properties, but how can view models access methods on such controls?
Userbase never grows quickly
Scalability, for some strange reason, ranks high in typical development priority list. I get handed requirements for servers scalable to 15,000 users or clusters scalable to 1,000,000 connections. Sounds ambitious, doesn't it? It's exactly this kind of optimistic thinking that will ruin the project.
Business vs. engineering excellence
Siding is a grave mistake in this battle whether you support the business suits or the engineers. A "compromise" approach is merely showing lack of understanding of the problem. So what's the right choice? As usual, it depends. But then, what does it depend on? When exactly is the right time to go nuts with engineering vs. business priorities? When do business interests and quality engineering go hand-in-hand?
Printable Montessori color cards
Downloadable Montessori color cards in PDF and SVG format. Print them and cut them to get budget alternative to the wooden Montessori original.
Pinpointing application security issues
So much productivity in software development comes from tools that allow pinpointing issues in the code. There's no need to hold whole codebase to high standards when the tools can quickly locate the few places in need of developer's attention. Why couldn't it be that simple with security?
What's wrong with The Lean Startup?
In the middle of Google Code Jam qualification round, I got sidetracked into pondering startup and entrepreneurship issues. It all started with one local blogger recommending Eric Ries's book The Lean Startup.
Why are software libraries so bloody expensive?
Software libraries (and development tools in general) rarely cost less than a couple hundred dollars per seat per year. No ROI calculation could possibly justify purchase of such library. For a long time, I have been wondering why people keep buying these overpriced libraries.
The surprising architecture of future applications
If you think the future is in JavaScript, you are mistaken. 'Downloading the universe' to the client is an old problem from the 90s that has a very simple solution.
Creating perfect toddler games on Android
As a dad, I am a bit frustrated with the offering of toddler games on Android. The ideas behind the games are usually nice, but the games cannot survive 5 minutes of testing by children. You can use this checklist to audit usability of your Android game.
Why buying better hardware doesn't help anymore
If you are in military, slow software can cost you life (target selected, wait, applying updates...). If you work at hospital, slow software will inevitably kill some patients. If you run a business, slow software can eat all your profit and send you to bankruptcy.
How (not) to win CodeChef Long Challenge
I have finished 5th in CodeChef Long Challenge in January 2014. It's pretty good position considering that over 4,000 people took part in the contest. This post will show you how to get in the top 10 list. I will also try to do some post-mortem analysis of why the first place wasn't mine.
Smartphones: 90s déjà vu?
Don't get me wrong. The form factor of smartphones is just right. Hardware is great and it's still improving. What's wrong is the whole idea of apps. I think the concept of apps is totally retro and totally 90s. What's worse is that the concept of platform ecosystem, encouraged by the app metaphor, is thoroughly vile in its nature and, if allowed to grow, poses serious threat to the Internet as we know it.
How to write custom NLog time source
NLog 2.1 allows you to define your own custom time source. This is useful when you want to use non-default time zone, time taken from another machine, or a special highly accurate timing hardware. In this post I will guide you through the process of creating your very own time source.
How to configure NLog time source
NLog 2.1 added new feature that allows you to specify how NLog calculates timestamps in log messages. It allows you to choose between 1ms and 16ms accuracy and between UTC and local time.
NLog timestamps with millisecond accuracy
DateTime.UtcNow and DateTime.Now properties normally return time with about 16ms accuracy, which is normal in Windows. Windows however has a nice feature that allows multimedia and other real-time applications to temporarily increase time accuracy using timeBeginPeriod and related Windows API functions. Once the accuracy is increased to 1ms, DateTime.UtcNow returns time in 1ms increments. Cool, let's use NLog to measure how much time each part of the code consumes. Unfortunately, to my surprise, NLog still outputs timestamps in 16ms increments. How is that possible? And how to fix it?
Open plan office scares away creativity, kills productivity
Damage to productivity by open plan office is a well established fact. My point is that open plan office has profound impact on creativity as well. And it's not caused by the noise.
Building awesome opensource projects
This is the story behind SourceAFIS in case you were wondering why would anyone build opensource fingerprint matcher. I happened to do many things right back then, so perhaps there is something to learn from the story.